After School Program Evaluation Template

Alison rebeck black marie andree somers fred doolittle rebecca unterman.
After school program evaluation template. Staff members in after school programs typically include not only certified teachers but also paraprofessionals and sometimes volunteers and time for instructor training and daily preparation is generally limited. After school program parent survey please read each statement carefully and indicate your level of agreement in the columns on the right. Phase 2 utilized data o btained through individual interviews and focus groups held with parents children and youth after school staff and rbc. Snap is an after school program providing special education and related services to non public school students.
The evaluation of enhanced academic instruction in after school programs. The design for the random assignment study called for a sample. The evaluation form is given to those attending the program in order to get their opinion on how well organized the program was and how it has benefited them. Evaluation of academic instruction in after school programs.
Please place an x inside the box that most clearly reflects your response. Of after school programs see rbc foundation after school programs evaluation preliminary report august 2010. This toolkit developed by the harvard family research project is intended to help program directors and staff of afterschool summer and other out of school time ost programs develop an evaluation strategy. Attached is the 2009 2010 evaluation report of hisd after school programs sponsored by the after school achievement program asap the partnership project pp the 21st century community learning center program or the young mens christian association ymca.
In case of a cultural or artistic program the evaluation is of one kind and it is of a different kind in case of a program of study. After school program evaluation is done to find out as to how successful the program was. Jean baldwin grossman. The ess includes 60 after school programs in 20 communities.
A program evaluation template is a document which serves as a guide to the correct framing of a program evaluation report. The study isolated key components of programs such as adult. Standard program and service evaluation template board of education approved on june1 2004 8252005 standard program evaluation template 1 program evaluation questions. Institute of education sciences.