Invalid Marriage Certificate

Consult an attorney familiar with marriage and family law and your own personal circumstances for legal advice regarding providing false information on marriage license applications or invalid marriages.
Invalid marriage certificate. Avvo has 97 of all lawyers in the us. 2 the point of the initial blog is that despite errors on a marriage certificate if there was a valid marriage you are married. Vital records has marriage records since 1880 for marriage licenses purchased in all of new york state except new york city. If a name is incorrect on marriage certificate does that make the marriage invalid.
1 your last name is cole no matter how you arrived at it the dl or the fact that you married or remarried cole. Find a lawyer near you. Its as if the marriage never happened. However an annulment is a legal proceeding that goes further by declaring a marriage invalid or void through a court order.
A marriage license is a document you will apply for before you get married. Some individuals may want an annulment in order to avoid any stigma they believe is associated with divorce. If a marriage is found to be invalid or void the court may grant an annulment instead of a divorce. What is an invalid marriage.
Like a traditional divorce an annulment ends a marriage. First choose your state. An invalid marriage license can also have consequences regarding immigration status if one of the parties is not a us. Skip to main content.
Need to need if this invalid a marriage. C 2019 the clerk of the city of new york. Find the best ones near you. Sometimes a couple that has been living as a married couple will find out that their marriage is not in fact valid.
A marriage may be invalid if. It does not have records for marriage licenses purchased in new york city the boroughs of manhattan kings brooklyn queens bronx and richmond staten island. Before we get right into the gritty details about what makes a marriage license invalid we first want to cover the differences between a marriage license and a marriage certificate. An invalid license could potentially be the basis for a removal or deportation hearing especially if the party used the marriage as the main reason for entering the country via fiance visa or family petition.