Lead Certification Lookup

The expiration of each firms current certification is listed below.
Lead certification lookup. National lead poisoning prevention week nlppw is a call to bring together individuals organizations industry and state and local governments to raise awareness of lead poisoning prevention and reduce childhood exposure to lead. Epa issues or assigns many different kinds of identification numbers such as registration numbers for pesticide products or permit numbers for hazardous waste sites wastewater discharges air emissions or other environmentally regulated facilities businesses or sites. If you are certified in one of the above states your certificate will apply to all epa administered lead based paint activities program states tribes and territories. This year nlppw occurs october 20 26 2019.
The lead safe list features many of these epa and state lead safe certified firms in an easy to use directory. This locator relates to renovation repair and painting work. See all our lead certification classes below. The name must match what is in the tea database.
How can i look up or verify an epa number. For assistance identifying certified firms in these states contact the national lead information centerfor a list of entities whose certification has been. In addition we offer lead inspector training. If you are having trouble with finding an address try using your property id number real estate tax account number which can be found on your tax bill or use the following link to find your property id number real estate tax account number.
View official certification records for texas educators using the link below. National lead poisoning prevention week. Welcome to the massachusetts childhood lead poisoning prevention programs database for lead inspected homes. Epa home lead certified renovation firms.
However if you want to check your home for lead hazards abatement hire a certified risk assessment or inspection firm. Certificate lookup verification letter pdf 154 kb the texas education agency tea division of e. Lead safe homes. These include hands on construction of a lead safe containment and demonstrations of materials and equipment used in the industry.
Go to epas lead safe certification program webpage for more information or to apply online. Lead in residential paint was banned in 1978 and due to the large quantity of pre 1978 homes in massachusetts you will find many properties in this database. We offer courses for lead abatement workers as well as supervisors as required by the epa for lead paint abatement work. Otherwise see the lead based paint activities program page to find more information about your state or territory.
Do you need to check your home for lead hazards.