Pain Medicine Certification

Abem certified physicians gain subspecialty certification in pain medicine by meeting the eligibility criteria fulfilling specific credential requirements and passing the pain medicine certification examination.
Pain medicine certification. The abpmr offers subspecialty certification in pain medicine in order to improve clinical care and assessment of individuals with such disorders. American board of family medicine family medicine adolescent medicine geriatric medicine hospice and palliative medicine pain. The american board of pain medicine abpm is committed to the certification of qualified physicians in the field of pain medicine. All candidates applying or reapplying for certification in pain medicine must complete 12 months of acgme accredited training in pain medicine.
Pain medicine is the medical discipline concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the entire range of painful disorders. The american osteopathic conjoint pain medicine examination committee administers subspecialty certification exams and osteopathic continuous certification requirements. The following stages represent key milestones in the process to obtain subspecialty board certification in pain medicine. Because of the vast scope of the field pain medicine is a multidisciplinary subspecialty.
The pain medicine caq certification is 10 years in duration. Interventional pain management is the discipline of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of pain related disorders principally with the application of interventional techniques in managing sub acute chronic persistent and intractable pain independently or in conjunction with other modalities of treatment. Pain medicine pm certification examination. If you are interested in maintaining your pain medicine certificate of added qualifications you will need to meet the following requirements to take the pain medicine caq continuing certification examination and maintain certification status.
Pain medicine is the medical discipline concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the entire range of painful disorders. Pain medicine is the multidisciplinary subspecialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the entire range of painful disorders. Pain medicine fellowship and beyond. Preview key coding changes and cms initiatives for 2020 impacting pain medicine practices.
Expert insight about pressing issues in fellowship and application tips.