Snbc Btp R880np Thermal Receipt Printer

The snbc btp r880npv thermal printer prints a fast 230mmsec print speed and is compatible with most of todays pos software applications many pos systems and print applications.
Snbc btp r880np thermal receipt printer. The btp r880np is compatible with most popular pos software applications many pos systems and fi ts a wide variety of mini printer applications. The btp r880np thermal receipt printer is a second generation np class printer produced by snbc a leading manufacturer of printers and thermal print heads. The btp r880np is compatible with most popular pos software applications many pos systems and fits a wide variety of mini printer applicationsenergy star certified. The btp r880np is compatible with most popular pos software applications many pos systems and fits a wide variety of mini printer applications.
The btp r880np thermal receipt printer is a second generation np class printer produced by snbc a leading manufacturer of printers and thermal print heads. The btp r880npv serialusbethernet thermal receipt printer that replaces the old btp r880np adding ethernet interface produced by snbc a leading manufacturer of printers and thermal print heads. The snbc btp r880np thermal receipt printer is the second generation printer of the 880np series. The btp r880np ethernetusb thermal receipt printer is a second generation np class printer produced by snbc a leading manufacturer of printers and thermal print heads.