Createspace Indesign Templates

Theres more information in our publishing guidelines.
Createspace indesign templates. If you want help formatting the other parts see our step by step guides for preparing your manuscript in word for windows and mac. 9 beau s de createspace book cover template 2019 create a book template book pirates edit createspace book photo createspace cover template luxury porfolio template fresh standard professional createspace templates indesign 2019 word book template new 20 free free receipt book example free download book jacket template book spine design. Front and back with bleeds and margins including spine margin and the default barcode size and placement. We now offer specialized options for your different publishing needs.
Login to get started with kindle direct publishing manufacturing on demand or print on demand for publishers. Try the latest version of chrome firefox edge or safari. Our site is great except that we dont support your browser. Paste your manuscript into this template or simply start typing.
Make sure to visit the homepage and sign up for the free package of formatting templates. This is a 2 part overlay. Rather than starting from scratch this guide to indesign formatting will assume youre using one of my indesign book templates. You can use any software that will open apng or pdf file and save a pdf file.
If youre self publishing itll save you a lot of time and money. You can now manage your createspace content on amazons improved publishing services. Here is a template that will help you perfect your 69 full cover design for your paperback book. Delete this text prior to use.
The templates with sample content include formatted front matter eg title page table of contents and chapters with placeholder text. Download all 6580 indesign graphic templates unlimited times with a single envato elements subscription. Createspace word templates this is the 85 x 11 basic template. Produce a perfect createspace interior file with indesign using simple and easy to use templates from the following website affiliate link.