Owl Pellet Worksheet

Test your knowledge of owl pellets with this interactive quiz and printable worksheet.
Owl pellet worksheet. Distribute and review the owl pellet lab report worksheet printable. Youll find a bone identification chart a sequencing activity and a reading comprehension passage about owls. Worksheets are discovering owl pellets owl pellet bone chart owl pellet dissection activity owl pellet bone chart the barn owl pellet owl pellet dissection lab owl pellet dissection whos in the food chain. Youll find other owl themed worksheets on this page as well.
Small mammal review for owl pellet dissection owls eat many small mammals. Click on pop out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. Free owl pellet dissection printable. Here are some facts about the prey that your owl may have eaten.
Tell students to record their observations as they work. Have students write their names on the owl pellet lab report worksheet record their predictions about what they will find in the pellet and start the lab. Students can identify several bones such as vertebrae ribs and jaws from the contents. Skull jaw scapula forelimb hindlimb pelvic bone rib vertebrae owl pellet bone chart rodent shrew mole bird carolina biological supply company 2700 york road burlington north carolina 27215.
Owl pellet dissection is an exciting part of connecting your students to natureat about 3 per student for all the material and resources owl pellets make a great selection for bringing cost effective nature learning into the classroom. Using tweezers and other tools you will carefully remove the contents of the owl pellets and reconstruct the skeletons of the small mammals that the barn owl ate. Practice questions will help you study before during and. Well we hope that you guys find the owl pellet dissection to be as interesting as we did.
These printable worksheet can help students with their owl pellet dissection projects. Here is a free printable from the sassafras science team that you can use to record your owl pellet dissection. Some of the worksheets for this concept are discovering owl pellets owl pellet bone chart owl pellet dissection activity owl pellet bone chart owl pellets owl pellets owl pellet bone sorting chart owl pellet dissection lab. Owl pellet dissection lab sheet.
Owl pellets displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.